Z4 ENERGY SYSTEMS, LLC 25 Dizzy Horse Road Buford, Wyoming 82052 U.S.A. (307)766-5044

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Z4 solves problems for rural homes, farms, ranches and small business by developing useful, smart residential scale renewable energy products.

Z4 Energy Systems, LLC Home Page

Z4 is developing three products funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Agriculture and State of Wyoming SBIR/STTR Initiative (WSSI) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.

  • Rotor blades for horizontal-axis residential scale wind turbines that self-adapt to varying wind conditions. The blades bend and twist along their length through a prescribed combination of blade shape and composite material properties to produce progressive feathering as wind speed increases.
  • Off-grid water well pumping system uses wind power to produce compressed air that powers the well pump and stores air for pumping water during times with no wind.
  • Solar powered heater for deicing livestock watering tanks. The heater melts ice that forms overnight and maintains a 2-foot diameter opening during the daytime when livestock normally drink.

NSF SBIR Grant No. IIP-0924695

USDA SBIR Grant No. 2010-3610-21820

USDA SBIR Grant No. 2012-33610-19942

  • Automatically regulate rotor speed in high wind, including turbulence
  • Harvest more energy
  • Reduce blade stresses
  • Upwind or downwind machines
  • Customize for any residential-scale machine
  • 100% Wind power, no fuel cost
  • Non-toxic, Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) is not affected by cold or heat
  • Aerate tank or pond water and delay freezing
  • Locate in the best wind resource
  • On-demand water for cabin and off-grid homes
  • Protect riparian areas
  • 100% Solar powered
  • No fuel, no maintenance
  • Plug in to portable generator to melt ice during fog or snow storms
  • Pasture-feed as long as forage is available
  • Move with pickup to rotate between pastures
  • No need to chop or melt ice with overflow
  • Final testing, winter 2015/2016